With spirit to transform our lives

Environmental Regeneration of Mountain & Coastal Ecosystems

Our focus is on protecting and regenerating the at-risk coastal and mountain ecosystems of the Northwest of Haiti. Our mission is to combat climate change head-on and undo the decades of damage to these vital ecosystems, stabilize the most critical watersheds, breathe life back into dwindling mangrove habitats, and ignite a spark of eco-consciousness through engaging environmental education and volunteer initiatives.

So, what have we accomplished so far? We've planted more than 3 Million seedlings grown in 9 community-managed tree nurseries and boasting 75% survival rate, and have stabilized 22,000 square meters of critical watersheds.  We've revived and safeguarded 1.2 million square meters of precious coastal mangroves previously threatened by clearcutting for charcoal and construction.

Join us in our thrilling journey as we transform Haiti's environmental landscape, one tree, one mangrove, and one watershed at a time. Together, we can make a world of difference!.



tree seedlings planted


community-managed nurseries


survival rate

Habitat protection

Our goal is to protect the most critical ecosystems of the NW of Haiti by engaging and empowering all relevant stakeholders - from the village level to the local authorities, departmental government agencies and ANAP (National Protected Areas Agency).  The process starts with series of participative workshops on the community level, allowing people to share on the importance of their natural habitats, and the risks faced by these.  Participative mapping exercises and working groups, site visits gradually build community ownership and awareness, and engage diverse actors in the process.

Tree nurseries
